Posts Tagged ‘database’

Before writing my InfoQ story about Flocker I ran through my now usual process of getting my 3 tier demo[1] working on it (in addition to running through the getting started guide[2]). What I found is that Flocker doesn’t yet support multi container apps, but then it is only at release 0.1 (and proper multi […]

Docker provides the means to link containers, which comes in two parts: Outside the container (on the docker command line) a ‘-link name:ref’ is used to create a link to a named container. Inside the container environment variables REF_… are populated with IP addresses and ports. Having linked containers together it’s then necessary to have a little […]

Not Only SQL


No, or Not Only One of the most sensible things to emerge for the recent no:sql(eu) event (which sadly I didn’t attend) was a statement that NOSQL should be expanded to Not Only SQL rather than No SQL. This is an interesting development, as there’s been lots of good stuff going on in the NOSQL […]