Posts Tagged ‘Dockerfile’

Docker provides the means to link containers, which comes in two parts: Outside the container (on the docker command line) a ‘-link name:ref’ is used to create a link to a named container. Inside the container environment variables REF_… are populated with IP addresses and ports. Having linked containers together it’s then necessary to have a little […]

When trying to install node.js into the default official Ubuntu image on Docker the other day I hit a dependency issue. Node.js needs rlwrap[1], and rlwrap is in the universe repository, which it turns out isn’t part of /etc/apt/sources.list for the 12.04 image: deb precise main Things worked using the ubuntu:quantal (== ununtu:12.10) image […]

Docker is going into the next release of CohesiveFT’s VNS3 cloud networking appliance as a substrate for application network services such as proxy, reverse proxy, load balancing, content caching and intrusion detection. I’ve been spending some time getting familiar with how Docker does things. Since I’ve also been spending some time on Node-RED recently I […]