Posts Tagged ‘Flocker’

ClusterHQ, the team behind Flocker, have announced Powerstrip, an Apache licensed tool to prototype Docker extensions. Powerstrip works as a proxy between the Docker command line interface (CLI) and the Docker daemon allowing the Docker API to be extended. The main advantage of this approach is that by extending the Docker interface, rather than wrapping […]

Here’s my presentation from If you’re interested in a deeper dive then take a look at the Container Networking Tutorial I did for ONUG.

Before writing my InfoQ story about Flocker I ran through my now usual process of getting my 3 tier demo[1] working on it (in addition to running through the getting started guide[2]). What I found is that Flocker doesn’t yet support multi container apps, but then it is only at release 0.1 (and proper multi […]

Flocker is a volume and container management system for Docker based on ZFS. It allows for stateful containers, such as databases, to be moved between virtual or physical hosts. This provides a capability that is analogous to the live migration features of some virtual machine hypervisors. Version 0.1 has been released by ClusterHQ as an […]