Posts Tagged ‘serverless’

For a little while I’ve been maintaining a FaaS on Kubernetes list to track the many implementations of Functions as a Service running on top of Kubernetes. Today brings CloudState as the first addition in a little while, and it’s quite an interesting one for a variety of reasons. Knative I became aware of CloudState […]

I spent the last couple of days at the Agile Enterprise conference in Rome organised by New York Java Special Interest Group (NYJavaSIG) founder Frank Greco. It was a much more intimate event that I’m generally used to, with only thirty-something attendees. The best part was the ‘ask me anything’ panel of all the speakers […]

Amazon’s Chris Munns announced at the recent Serverless Conference NYC that AWS Lambda will soon support a feature called traffic shifting. This will allow a weight to be applied to Lambda function aliases to shift traffic between two versions of a function. The feature will enable the use of canary releases and blue/green deployment. Continue reading the full story at InfoQ.



JeffConf have posted the video from my talk there on LessOps (or should that be ‘LessOps), which is how I see operations working out in a world of ‘serverless’ cloud service: The full playlist is here, and I’ve also published the slides:

In a footnote to yesterday’s application intimacy post I said: in time there will be services for provisioning, monitoring and logging, and all that will remain of ‘infrastructure’ will be the config of those services; and since we might treat that config as code then ultimately the NoOps ‘just add code – we’ll take care […]

This is another post that’s a recycled email, one which started out with the title: ‘Our share of the cloud shared responsibility model (and the need for application intimacy)’ The original email came from a number of discussions in the run up to the DXC merger, and I must thank many of my CTO and […]

I went along to Serverlessconf last week and wrote up a couple of InfoQ news pieces about it: Day 1 – Serverless Operations is Not a Solved Problem The emergent theme from day one of the Serverlessconf London 2016 was that far from being ‘NoOps’, Serverless platforms bring with them substantial operational challenges. The physical servers […]