AI MacGuffin


I’m increasingly hearing AI talked about as a MacGuffin… It could magically solve this thorny and expensive problem that’s been intractable for years. We all just need to geek a bit harder, buy (or rent) more GPUs and scrape together some better training data…

In this context AI cannot fail, it can only be failed, by insufficient investment/commitment/belief.

One Response to “AI MacGuffin”

  1. 1 JL

    There are certainly a few McGuffin like qualities where it will take you to a rapid 80% where previously hard work or complex algorithmic effort would have been required, and that have now become accessible to even the most untalented scripter – but like all new technologies, I suspect it will be harder, and take longer than the optimists thinks to extract the full value of this. I for one welcome our new AI overlords. Surely they can’t be worse than the last lot.

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