Posts Tagged ‘IoT’

March 2022


Pupdate Although it’s looking ready to snow outside as I type, we’ve had some glorious summery weather in March, which means plenty of time outside running around for the boys. But the picture that grabbed most attention was this one: People thought we’d got another sausage dog, but it was just the boys hanging out […]

February 2022


Pupdate As we neared the end of the month it was finally warm enough for the boys to walk without their coats, and whilst they might look cute and snuggly in the coats they seem more energetic and free without them. Pi Stuff – MWC Demo All of that time spent playing with Raspberry Pis […]

The dust is starting to settle now in the wake of Heartbleed[1] – those that are going to fix it have already, other servers that are suffering from the issue will remain vulnerable for years to come. It’s time now for reflection, so here’s mine. I was on a family vacation when Heartbleed was announced, and […]