Posts Tagged ‘SD’

When I first created an automated build system for OpenELEC I had two reasons: Official releases from the OpenELEC team were infrequent There were no official SD card images (just .bz2 release bundles) Looking now at I don’t think point 1 is true any more. I’m going to keep my own system going for […]

Update (13 Nov 2012): Since OpenELEC is now on a recent kernel there’s no point to media_build any more, and I won’t be doing any further builds. Some DVB drivers aren’t enabled, but this is easy to rectify (it didn’t take very long to get CE6230 support mentioned below sorted out). Update (10 Nov 2012): Since newer […]

Moving house


For a few months now I’ve been offering OpenELEC release bundles and SD card images at, and more recently I set up to host a broader range of Raspberry Pi related downloads. The servers that I’ve been using were part of the beta, so I’ve not been picking up the tab for […]

If you just want to download images rather than make them then I’d suggest downloading an image of the latest official build. For the adventerous I’m still doing frequest dev builds and associated images[1], but these may be unstable. Read on if you’re interested in how this stuff is done… The Raspberry Pi build of […]

I spent time figuring this out due to needing SD cards for my Raspberry Pi, but the instructions apply to pretty much anything on SD. DD on Windows Windows sadly lacks the DD utility that’s ubiquitous on Unix/Linux systems. Luckily there is a dd for Windows utility. Get the latest version here (release at time of […]