Posts Tagged ‘VNS3’

This post originally appeared on the CohesiveFT blog The Docker subsystem available since version 3.5 allows additional virtualized network functions (VNFs) to be run on VNS3. I’ve previously written about using this capability for content caching, SSL termination and load balancing. This time I’ll cover using it as a network intrusion detection system (NIDS). Introducing Suricata […]

This post originally appeared on the CohesiveFT blog Want to do more with your AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)? We have 10 ways you can enhance cloud networking with our virtual appliance, VNS3. First, a quick background on the product: VNS3 creates an overlay networking on top of AWS infrastructure. This allows you to control security, topology, addressing and protocols […]

I was helping a colleague troubleshoot a deployment issue recently. He’d set up a virtual private cloud (VPC) in Amazon with a public subnet and a bunch of private subnets: – VPC (the default) – Public subnet – Private subnet 1 – Private subnet 2 – Private subnet 3 Everything was behaving […]

Last week I saw that major credit card companies are blocking payments to VPN services: This is bad news if you want to protect your stuff online (or pretend that you’re in another country). One way to deal with this is to run your own VPN service in the cloud. This is of course of […]