Archive for the ‘cloud’ Category

Ever since I started signing GitHub commits with SSH keys I’ve made sure to use git v2.35 or later. Unfortunately Google Cloud Shell comes with a rather crusty old version of git (as part of the fact that it’s still based on Debian 11 ‘Bullseye’). Just copying over a more recent git binary doesn’t work. […]

I mentioned the 5 Rs in The Application Portfolio Manager a couple of years ago, and I’m returning to them as they’ve been coming up fairly frequently, and also they’ve become the source of some confusion. 5 Rs The original[1] 5 from Gartner’s Five ways to migrate applications to the cloud (penned by my awesome […]

TL;DR Best practice gets encoded into industry leading software (and that happens more quickly with SaaS applications). So if you’re not using the latest software, or if you’re customising it, then you’re almost certainly divergent from best practices, which slows things down, makes it harder to hire and train people, and creates technology debt. Background […]

Turning a Twitter thread into a post. I wrote about the performance of AWS’s Graviton2 Arm based systems on InfoQ The last 40 years have been a Red Queen race against Moore’s law, and Intel wasn’t a passenger, they were making it happen. I used to like Pat Gelsinger’s standard reply to ‘when will VMware […]

AnandTech has published Amazon’s Arm-based Graviton2 against AMD and Intel: Comparing Cloud Compute which includes comprehensive benchmarks across Amazon’s general purpose instance types. The cost analysis section describes ‘An x86 Massacre’, as while the pure performance of the Arm chip is generally in the same region as the x86 competitors, its lower price means the price/performance is substantially […]

TL;DR Amazon Web Services Certified Solution Architect Professional (AWS CSA Pro) took me a lot more time to study for than Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect (GCP PCA). They fundamentally test the same skills in terms of matching appropriate services to customer needs, but there’s just more of AWS, and greater fractal detail (that’s […]

TL;DR Modern Apps use Platforms, Continuous Delivery, and Modern Languages. Or more specifically, Modern Apps are written in Modern Languages, get deployed onto Platforms, and that deployment process is Continuous Delivery (as these things are all interconnected). Background ‘Modern Apps’ seems to be a hot topic right now. Some of my DXC colleagues are getting […]

TL;DR We can model data gravity by looking at the respective storage and network costs for different scenarios where workload and associated data might be placed in one or more clouds. As network egress charges are relatively high, this makes the effect of data gravity substantial – pushing workloads and their data to be co-resident […]

This isn’t a new thing. I’ve even written about it before. But it seems to be coming up in a LOT of conversations at the moment. The price that cloud providers charge for egress from their networks to the Internet is staggeringly high. Or as Bryan Cantril put it in a recent episode of his […]

This question came from a colleague, and it’s one of those questions that I’m surprised and saddened that we still have to ask. My history with this stuff Some 15 years ago I was a beta tester for Leslie Muller‘s ‘Virtual Developer Environment’ (VDE)[1], which was a web site that let me request a virtual […]