Posts Tagged ‘google’

Ever since I started signing GitHub commits with SSH keys I’ve made sure to use git v2.35 or later. Unfortunately Google Cloud Shell comes with a rather crusty old version of git (as part of the fact that it’s still based on Debian 11 ‘Bullseye’). Just copying over a more recent git binary doesn’t work. […]

I mentioned in my August 2022 post that I’d write separately about this, so here goes… The Google Developer Experts program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who have expertise in Google technologies, are active leaders in the space, natural mentors, and contribute to the wider developer and […]

TL;DR Amazon Web Services Certified Solution Architect Professional (AWS CSA Pro) took me a lot more time to study for than Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect (GCP PCA). They fundamentally test the same skills in terms of matching appropriate services to customer needs, but there’s just more of AWS, and greater fractal detail (that’s […]

TL;DR Modern Apps use Platforms, Continuous Delivery, and Modern Languages. Or more specifically, Modern Apps are written in Modern Languages, get deployed onto Platforms, and that deployment process is Continuous Delivery (as these things are all interconnected). Background ‘Modern Apps’ seems to be a hot topic right now. Some of my DXC colleagues are getting […]



TL;DR Knowing how the cloud works is becoming essential knowledge in the IT industry, and getting certification is a reliable way of ensuring that knowledge is consistent and tested. Background Yesterday this excellent cartoon showed up in Forrest Brazeal’s ‘FaaS and Furious‘ strip, it’s very timely as certification has been a hot topic at work […]

This is the blog version of a Twitter conversation with my colleague Graham Chastney. Huawei, and the war on trade POTUS #45 has been pursuing a ‘trade war’ with China, as this appears to be popular with his base, even though it makes stuff more expensive for them and will ultimately harm the US economy. […]

All three of the major cloud service providers have (or have announced) ‘have your cake and eat it’ versions of their services where data resides on premises whilst stuff is managed from a control plane in the cloud. AWS has Outposts (launched at re:Invent 2018 but still at the ‘sign up to learn more’ stage […]

Originally posted internally 12 Jan 2016: What Would Google Do? It’s a good generic question when considering any problem in the IT space. Often the answer is pretty obvious, where Google’s already doing something (and better still if it’s published the hows, whats and whys). Other times there’s a shape of an answer, where Google can […]

Twistlock have announced the general availability of their Container Security Suite, along with a partnership with Google Cloud Platform that integrates Twistlock into Google Container Engine (GKE). The suite consists of a console to define policy, a registry scanner and a ‘Defender’that runs as a privileged container on each host. The suite connects to Twistlock’s […]

All of the major cloud providers now offer some means by which it’s possible to connect to them directly, meaning not over the Internet. This is generally positioned as helping with the following concerns: Bandwidth – getting a guaranteed chunk of bandwidth to the cloud and applications in it. Latency – having an explicit maximum […]