Posts Tagged ‘software’

This is the blog version of a Twitter conversation with my colleague Graham Chastney. Huawei, and the war on trade POTUS #45 has been pursuing a ‘trade war’ with China, as this appears to be popular with his base, even though it makes stuff more expensive for them and will ultimately harm the US economy. […]

With apologies to Philip K. Dick. This post is going to address three topics: The relationship between a virtual machine (VM) and its network connection(s). The changing perimeter The role of APIs in controlling network configuration The common theme is dreams, or perhaps de/re(ams) – as the last two topics touch on whether something is de- or […]

James McGovern came up with a good starter for 10, but since he called me out to add some more here goes: Ignoring Pareto – many enterprise architects end up becoming the creators of internal ‘standards’, and then become the standards cops. All too often the 80:20 rule is ignored (and in fact this tends to […]