Posts Tagged ‘amazon’

TL;DR Amazon Web Services Certified Solution Architect Professional (AWS CSA Pro) took me a lot more time to study for than Google Cloud Platform Professional Cloud Architect (GCP PCA). They fundamentally test the same skills in terms of matching appropriate services to customer needs, but there’s just more of AWS, and greater fractal detail (that’s […]



TL;DR Knowing how the cloud works is becoming essential knowledge in the IT industry, and getting certification is a reliable way of ensuring that knowledge is consistent and tested. Background Yesterday this excellent cartoon showed up in Forrest Brazeal’s ‘FaaS and Furious‘ strip, it’s very timely as certification has been a hot topic at work […]

This is the blog version of a Twitter conversation with my colleague Graham Chastney. Huawei, and the war on trade POTUS #45 has been pursuing a ‘trade war’ with China, as this appears to be popular with his base, even though it makes stuff more expensive for them and will ultimately harm the US economy. […]

#2 of jobs that should exist but don’t in most IT departments (#1 was The Application Portfolio Manager). What’s a constraint? From Wikipedia: The theory of constraints (TOC)[1] is an overall management philosophy introduced by Eliyahu M. Goldratt in his 1984 book titled The Goal It’s the idea that in a manufacturing process there will […]

Amazon have launched Lightsail, a Virtual Private Server (VPS) service to compete with companies like Digital Ocean, Linode and the multitude of Low End Box providers. The service bundles a basic Linux virtual machine with SSD storage and a bandwidth allowance. Pricing starts at $5/month with tiers by RAM allocation. Each larger configuration comes with […]

I got an email proclaiming: AmazonFresh – now in your area If that wasn’t exciting enough in its own right (which would probably be the case) it went on to say: Get a £20 gift card when you spend £60 or more on an AmazonFresh order and have it delivered between 16 – 30 […]

All of the major cloud providers now offer some means by which it’s possible to connect to them directly, meaning not over the Internet. This is generally positioned as helping with the following concerns: Bandwidth – getting a guaranteed chunk of bandwidth to the cloud and applications in it. Latency – having an explicit maximum […]

At their re:invent 2014 show Amazon launched AWS Key Management Service (KMS), “a managed service that makes it easy for you to create and control the encryption keys used to encrypt your data, and uses Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) to protect the security of your keys”. At launch the service supported EBS, S3 and Redshift. […]

This post originally appeared on the CohesiveFT blog Amazon recently announced the new t2 family of low end instances, which I wrote about on InfoQ. Pricing wise the headline is that the t2.micro is ¢1.3/hr, which is a fair bit cheaper than the ¢2/hr of the t1.micro it replaces. It also has much better performance, and more […]

Amazon has launched new web services designed to simplify the building and operation of mobile applications using their cloud as a back end. Cognito provides an identity management platform and key/value store, and is complemented by Mobile Analytics. The AWS Mobile SDK has been updated to version 2.0 to provide integration with the new services, and there are samples in […]