Searching private Gists


I’m a big fan of Github Gist, as it’s an excellent way to store fragments of code and config.

Whatever I feel I can make public I do, and all of that stuff is easily searchable.

A bunch of my gists are private, sometimes because they contain proprietary information, sometime because they’re for something so obscure that I don’t consider them useful for anybody else, and sometimes because they’re an unfinished work in progress that I’m not ready to expose to the world.

Over time I’ve become very sick of how difficult it is to find stuff that I know I’ve put into a gist. There’s no search for private gists, which means laboriously paging and scrolling through an ever expanding list trying to spot the one you’re after.

Those dark days are now behind me now that I’m using Mark Percival’s Gist Evernote Import.

It’s a Ruby script that syncs gists into an Evernote notebook. It can be run out of a Docker container, which makes deployment very simple. Once the gists are in Evernote they become searchable, and are linked back to the original gist (as Evernote isn’t great at rendering source code).

I’ve used Evernote in the past, as it came with my scanner, but didn’t turn into a devotee. This now gives me a reason to use it more frequently, so perhaps I’ll put other stuff  into it (though most of the things I can imagine wanting to note down would probably go into a gist). So far I’ve got along just fine with a basic free account.

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