Archive for the ‘Docker’ Category

Background The last two interviews that I’ve done for InfoQ have been with Anil Mahavapeddy and Bryan Cantrill, and in both cases we talked about unikernels. Anil is very much pro unikernels, whilst Bryan takes the opposing view. A long and rambling Twitter thread about oncoming architecture diversity in Docker images took a turn into the unikernel […]

Back in March I wrote about Using Overlay file system with Docker on Ubuntu – those instructions applied to Ubuntu before the switch to systemd e.g. 14.04 and earlier. The move to systemd means that changes to /etc/default/docker don’t have any effect any more. To get systemd to dance along to our tune needs a file like […]

“Installation is a Software Hate Crime” – Pat Kerpan, then CTO of Borland circa 2004. Today’s hate – meta installers I’ve noticed a trend for some time that when downloading an installer rather than being the 20MB or so for the actual thing I’m installing it’s just a 100KB bootstrap that then goes off and […]

On my first day with Bryan Cantrill he did a wonderful (and very amusing) presentation on Debugging Microservices in Production on the containers track at QCon SF. On my second day with Bryan Cantrill we talked about Containers, Unikernels, Linux, Triton, Illumos, Virtualization and Node.js – it was something of a geekfest[1]. On my third day with Bryan […]

Rising from the ashes of GigaOm the tribal gathering of cloud elders that is Structure has returned, and got off to a strong start with Battery Venture’s Adrian Cockcroft presenting on the State of the Cloud and Container Ecosystems. Cockcroft paid particular attention to the impact of containers, which wasn’t even a major discussion topic at […]

ContainerX will launch their ‘Container Platform for Enterprise IT’ at DockerCon Europe next week in Barcelona. Described as ‘vSphere for Containers’ the platform aims to give developers a self service capability using the Docker command line, whilst providing operations teams with capabilities that they’re familiar with from managing virtual machines. continue reading the full story […]

Twistlock have announced the general availability of their Container Security Suite, along with a partnership with Google Cloud Platform that integrates Twistlock into Google Container Engine (GKE). The suite consists of a console to define policy, a registry scanner and a ‘Defender’that runs as a privileged container on each host. The suite connects to Twistlock’s […]

Docker Inc have announced their acquisition of Tutum, ‘The Docker Platform for Dev and Ops’ that allows users to ‘Build, deploy, and manage your apps across any cloud’. The rationale for the deal is to complement Docker Hub, which takes care of ‘build’ and ‘ship’, with Tutum as the platform for ‘run’. continue reading the […]

Docker inc. have announced the release of Docker 1.8, which brings with it some new and updated tools in addition to new engine features. Docker Toolbox provides a packaged system aiming to be, ‘the fastest way to get up and running with a Docker development environment’, and replaces Boot2Docker. The most significant change to Docker Engine […]

It’s less than two months since I last wrote about Upgrading Docker, but things have changed again. New repos Part of my problem last time was that the apt repos had quietly moved from HTTP to HTTPS. This time around the repos have more visibly moved, bringing with them a new install target ‘docker-engine’, and the […]