Posts Tagged ‘apple’

January 2023


Pupdate I shied away from mentioning that Milo was ill last month. I guess I was hoping that he’d bounce back soon, and I didn’t want to worry anybody. But January brought terrible news, as it seems he has lymphoma. He’s started chemotherapy, and I hope I get to mention what he’s been up to […]

September 2022


Pupdate The boys have been enjoying the sun when it’s been out, as we have the last warm and dry days before autumn descends into winter. Milo has been particularly enjoying the windfalls from the apple tree: Solar diary This might be a regular feature here, at least for a little while (until the novelty […]



For those who know me well you may be surprised that this is not a post about Wardley Maps. It’s about regular maps to find where you’re going, and the various mapping apps now available. Background I spent last week in the Lake District, my first time back there in over a decade, after it […]

March 2021


Pupdate Max is 7 months old now, and continues to be a source of endless entertainment and cuteness. Having half his people back at school has disrupted our Lockdown III routines, but he has a reason to get extra excited when folk come home. Vaccination I got my first shot of the AstraZeneca vaccine. The […]

I’ve never liked the hard plastic headphones that come with iPods and iPhones, so when AirPods were launched I was totally ‘meh’, especially as I though they looked ugly and uncomfortable. When AirPods Pro launched a few weeks ago I was willing to reconsider, as I’ve got on OK in the past with silicone bud […]

After all of the noise surrounding Apple’s special relationship with Intel when it first launched the Macbook Air the IT press have been strangely quiet about it ending[1]. Intel’s 6th generation ‘Skylake‘ Core CPUs have been out for a few weeks now, and it seems like the only machines you can buy them in come […]

TL;DR Anybody wanting a high spec laptop that isn’t from Apple is probably getting a low end model with small RAM and HDD and upgrading themselves to big RAM and SSD. This skews the sales data, so the OEMs see a market where nobody buys big RAM and SSD, from which they incorrectly infer that nobody […]

TL;DR Apple and Google have both launched laptops in the past few days that are both amazing and seriously flawed. If only somebody could make a machine that has the best of both worlds. MacBook The leaks were pretty much spot on, so in the end the new MacBook brought few surprises. I really want […]

I’m starting a new job at the end of the week, and I’ve been agonising over whether I should treat myself to a shiny new laptop. I’m *really*tempted by an 11″ MacBook Air[1], but at the same time I’m inclined to hold off until a Haswell-ULT/ULX version comes along (which might then have an all […]

One of the great disappointments for me in last week’s launch of the iPhone 5 is that it doesn’t come with near field communications (NFC) capabilities. This was explained in an interview with Senior VP Phil Schiller: It’s not clear that NFC is the solution to any current problem, Schiller said. “Passbook does the kinds of […]