Posts Tagged ‘documentation’

The GraphQL Way


TL;DR From a short time using GraphQL APIs I sense that there’s a ‘GraphQL Way’ for how things should be. A set of promises that the technology makes to its users. But those promises are frequently being broken, or at least undermined, as people rush to create GraphQL end points without perhaps investing enough time […]

August 2021


Pupdate Max had his first birthday, and Milo is now able to join him on walks after being vaccinated. They also go down to sleep at night in their pen downstairs, which is a step in the right direction. Though there’s been some amazing escapology from Max, and we’re still working on mornings. Trainers After […]

I’m writing this for my fellow DXCers, but I’d expect the points I make here likely apply to any open source project. The first thing I’ll check is the Because that’s the first thing that somebody visiting the project will see. Is the README written for them – the newbies – the people who’ve […]

Originally posted internally 16 Aug 2016: The title of this post comes from a tweet by Evan Goer I saw last week. It’s derived from Michael Pollan’s statement from In Defence of Food: ‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.‘ Write code Just as food fuels our bodies, code fuels our industry. The world is moving […]

This was originally published internally on 4 Dec 2015, my 4th day at CSC: My first few days have made me think carefully about where I see value. This is what’s emerging: I value code with documentation, samples and examples more than just code, because code with documentation, samples and examples gives us a repeatable […]