Archive for the ‘wibble’ Category

One thing that I find repeatedly frustrating is when I’ve seen a really cool article or posting about something (usually on a blog, or linked from a blog) that I want to reference or go back to, and I just can’t find it again. This would be less of a problem if I was a […]

Hugh came out with a good one today – “any sufficiently advanced stupidity is indistinguishable from malice“. This is a close cousin of Grey’s law, which gets a mention on the Wikipedia page for Hanlon’s razor. It seems like a good mash up of a couple of my old favorites – Napoleon’s “never ascribe to […]

Hello world!


Welcome. It’s taken me too long to get here, but better late than never I hope. I’ve been lurking in the blogosphere for a long time now, but there have always been a couple of things holding me back from being more active. Firstly there was the issue of corporate policy – my employer is […]