Posts Tagged ‘code’

Originally posted internally 6 Jan 2016: I’d meant to post this before the Christmas break as a guide to things to tinker with over the break, but then I hit the point where pretty much everybody seemed to already be on leave, and it was clearly too late…. So Happy New Year, if you’re not already […]

The title for this post comes from an old naval tradition, where a ‘make and mend‘ was time given to fix up clothing. These days sailors get their uniform from stores, and personal clothes from shops like the rest of us; so a modern day ‘make and mend’ is simply some time off. With the […]

Arduino Simon


I My son got a great Xmas present in the shape of a Starter Kit for Arduino  from Oomlout. After doing some of the basic projects I decided we needed something that we could get our teeth into. After a little pondering Simon came out as a worthwhile challenge. Back in the 80s I’d written a version […]

I often find myself having to rename a bunch of media files. This would be easy if it was just a matter of finding ‘foo’ and replacing ‘bar’. Sadly though I regularly have a list of numbered ‘foo’s that I want to be a different numbered ‘bar’s (e.g. foo_04 -> bar_01, foo_05 -> bar_02). Normally […]