Posts Tagged ‘insurance’

Today’s dose of doxorubicin marks the end of the third round of Milo’s second CHOP protocol. Each time I take him to the vets they ask how he’s doing, and I always answer “he’s doing really well”, because if he wasn’t there for chemo he’d seem like a fit and healthy young dog. When he […]

February 2024


Pupdate It’s been something like the wettest February on record, which has somewhat curtailed long walks :( But the boys have still enjoyed getting out and about even if it’s meant washing their fleece coats every few days to clear off all the mud. State of Open Conference I’ve noticed a bunch of friends getting […]

A few milestones have ticked by since the last update: That’s all good news. Though it comes against a background of some blood tests showing low neutrophil counts, which have led to delays in administering chemo, and more vet visits. Insurance ManyPets seem to have slipped back into taking months to process claims. The first […]

After 6 months of chemo Milo has hit a major milestone – the end of his CHOP protocol. His most recent scan showed some improvement, and the specialist recommended ending his chemotherapy for now and moving to monthly scans to monitor the situation. The general idea is that the chemotherapy drugs will be more likely […]

TL;DR A £7000 policy isn’t enough to cover a single chemo protocol for lymphoma, especially given the likely costs that will have stacked up before getting to a diagnosis. My insurer, ManyPets, have been prompt in paying smaller claims, but much slower on the bigger ones. But there’s been no quibbling or hassle, and I’ve […]