Posts Tagged ‘web’

This post is about the madness of corporate web filters in the age of ubiquitous consumer devices with Internet connectivity. I typically see three types of connectivity in any given corporate setting: The company network. Usually wired, but sometimes with a wireless adjunct, this network offers the same liberty as an oppressive Middle East regimes[1]. This […]

I’ve been meaning to try this out for some time, and my recent trials with Amazon’s US Kindle Store prodded me into action. The theory Popular SSH clients (like OpenSSH and Putty) have features that allow tunneling. Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) normally have some way of being administered over SSH. So… start up an EC2 […]

The bottom line here is that $50 (or £40) for 3G won’t get the buyer unlimited global web surfing. It looks too good to be true, and therefore it is. In the words of Admiral Ackbar – ‘it’s a trap!’. That 3G is there so that Amazon can sell you books. Whilst it may be possible to use it (for the time being) to do some surfing too at no extra cost that’s a feature that can’t be (and therefore won’t be) economically sustainable.

Impedance was one of those things that I really didn’t understand until I did my degree in electronics engineering. For those of you that are interested WikiPedia is as ever a good resource, though the short version is that matching is all about ensuring efficient transfer of energy from source to load. I can’t recall […]