Posts Tagged ‘containers’

TL;DR VMs on public cloud don’t provide the same level of control over sizing as on premises VMs, and this can have a number of impacts on how capacity is managed. Most importantly ‘T-shirt’ type sizing can provide sub optimal fit of workload to infrastructure, and the ability to over commit CPUs is very much […]

Originally posted internally 6 Jan 2016: I’d meant to post this before the Christmas break as a guide to things to tinker with over the break, but then I hit the point where pretty much everybody seemed to already be on leave, and it was clearly too late…. So Happy New Year, if you’re not already […]

On my first day with Bryan Cantrill he did a wonderful (and very amusing) presentation on Debugging Microservices in Production on the containers track at QCon SF. On my second day with Bryan Cantrill we talked about Containers, Unikernels, Linux, Triton, Illumos, Virtualization and Node.js – it was something of a geekfest[1]. On my third day with Bryan […]

ContainerX will launch their ‘Container Platform for Enterprise IT’ at DockerCon Europe next week in Barcelona. Described as ‘vSphere for Containers’ the platform aims to give developers a self service capability using the Docker command line, whilst providing operations teams with capabilities that they’re familiar with from managing virtual machines. continue reading the full story […]

Twistlock have announced the general availability of their Container Security Suite, along with a partnership with Google Cloud Platform that integrates Twistlock into Google Container Engine (GKE). The suite consists of a console to define policy, a registry scanner and a ‘Defender’that runs as a privileged container on each host. The suite connects to Twistlock’s […]

Yesterday I delivered a tutorial as part of the Open Network Users Group (ONUG) Academy: To go through the tutorial yourself you’ll need an AWS account and an SSH client (and the Internet access and browser you’re using to read this). To complement the slides there’s a wiki on GitHub with all of the relevant command […]