Milo cancer diary part 14 – Three


Today is Milo’s third birthday, which seems like a milestone worth celebrating :)

Milo sporting a bandage after his final chemo for this protocol

It’s also two months since the last update, and he had the last dose of Doxorubicin to complete the second CHOP chemotherapy protocol on Tuesday. His weight has been stable, the cystitis subsided, no further complications, and no problems with neutrophils.

So… we’re back to monitoring scans, with the next one scheduled for early July.


No update over the last couple of months, though the last vets visit also pushed the total for this year past the limit, so I’ve submitted the final claim for now.

Past parts:

1. diagnosis and initial treatment

2. first setback

3. back on track

4. second setback

5. easing the pace

6. counting the cost

7. fat boy

8. done CHOPping for now

9. scans

10. relapse

11. remission

12. complications

13. more H

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