Archive for the ‘DXC blogs’ Category

Originally posted internally 16 Aug 2016: The title of this post comes from a tweet by Evan Goer I saw last week. It’s derived from Michael Pollan’s statement from In Defence of Food: ‘Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.‘ Write code Just as food fuels our bodies, code fuels our industry. The world is moving […]

Originally posted internally 12 Jan 2016: PC sends out a weekly update for things happening in the Workplace offering, and this week he touched on the topic of programming languages. Rather than replying to him 1:1 by email I’m writing here because I’d like to have a more open debate. Before we start… take a look at […]

Originally posted internally 15 Jul 2016: This is something I’ve been meaning to do since TechCom, so it’s a little overdue. My intention going forward is to have a monthly cadence. Since I have some involvement in build, sell, deliver I’ll organise along those lines: Build ‘Modern Platform’ is due before the Technical Design Council (TDC) […]

Originally posted internally 26 May 2016: Last week I called in on Brad Meiseles, the senior director of engineering responsible for VIC. It’s a product I’ve been watching since the earliest rumblings around what Project Bonneville did with the VMfork technology that had originally been envisaged as something for quicker launching virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). VIC […]

Originally posted internally 12 Feb 2016, this was the first of what became a series of posts where I took an email reply to a broader audience. Global Infrastructure Services (GIS) was the half of CSC that I worked in before the creation of the Global Delivery Organisation (GDO) in DXC Technology: JP Morgenthal sent out […]

Originally published internally 26 Jan 2016: Last week Docker Inc acquired Cambridge based Unikernel System Ltd, which has got a lot of people asking ‘what’s a unikernel?’, a question that’s well covered in the linked piece. Going back a few years I covered the launch of Mirage OS, which is the basis for what Unikernel Systems […]

Originally posted internally 12 Jan 2016: What Would Google Do? It’s a good generic question when considering any problem in the IT space. Often the answer is pretty obvious, where Google’s already doing something (and better still if it’s published the hows, whats and whys). Other times there’s a shape of an answer, where Google can […]

Originally posted internally 6 Jan 2016: I’d meant to post this before the Christmas break as a guide to things to tinker with over the break, but then I hit the point where pretty much everybody seemed to already be on leave, and it was clearly too late…. So Happy New Year, if you’re not already […]

Originally published internally 24 Dec 2015: Install Docker, because it gives you installation superpowers for many other things. Install Docker, so that you don’t have to install Ansible, or Python, or Golang, or Greylog, or pretty much whatever else you were needing to install. Install Docker, so that the next Yak you shave will be a […]

Originally published internally 15 Dec 2015: I recently came to a realisation that every hire I’ve made has been for an aptitude to change rather than a given set of skills. This makes my most important interview question ‘how do you keep up to date with tech?’. Tech is changing all the time. I constantly […]