Archive for the ‘media’ Category

‘Can I have an iPod Touch for my birthday?’ asked my five year old daughter yesterday (the birthday isn’t far away), ‘Susie has one, and she’s 6’. ‘No’, came my reply, ‘I gave you an iPod mini just a few weeks ago’. We’ve been going through a bit of an iPod upgrade cycle around the […]

In this post I’d like to explore whether P2P could be the basis of a business model that would directly fund the creation of content. Think do with P2P what HBO did with Cable (HBO 2.0?).

The going rate for ratio is in the region of £0.50/GB – approximately the same as physical storage. Let me restate that – people will pay as much for the ability to download content as they will for the empty physical asset to store it on. Also bear in mind that bandwidth is getting cheaper at a different rate to storage – so right now we’re passing the crossover point – the ‘freetards’, or at least people in their community are willingly paying more for ratio (=bandwidth) than they are for disk.

I attended an excellent seminar last night run by the Open Rights Group on the subject of ‘Creative Business in the Digital Era’. I wasn’t sure exactly what I expected to learn there, particularly as the course materials are available on their wiki, but I hoped that there would be some interesting people and dialogue. […]