Posts Tagged ‘free’

Update (14 Mar 2014) Andrew Weir pointed out that I the price is per month not per year – corrected accordingly. The big news of the last day is that Google dropped its pricing for Drive storage to $9.99 per TB per month. Ex Googler Sam Johnston says ‘So the price of storage is now […]

This is one of those started as a comment, but really deserves a full post type things… My comment was in response to JP’s The new new telco where he posits that Facebook could be a very valuable business due to its telco like properties on a global scale. Here’s my original comment: This is […]

The going rate for ratio is in the region of £0.50/GB – approximately the same as physical storage. Let me restate that – people will pay as much for the ability to download content as they will for the empty physical asset to store it on. Also bear in mind that bandwidth is getting cheaper at a different rate to storage – so right now we’re passing the crossover point – the ‘freetards’, or at least people in their community are willingly paying more for ratio (=bandwidth) than they are for disk.