Milo cancer diary part 4 – second setback


This wasn’t as much of an unwelcome surprise as the last time. We knew that the Cyclophosphamide hit him hard last time around, and despite a reduced dose, and some weight gain, it seems to have had a similar impact this time. A low white cell count (and low neutrophils) meant it wasn’t safe to proceed with the scheduled dose of Vincristine; so another round of antibiotics, and another week of waiting.

On the positive side a lot of good things have happened since the last update. Milo’s back to his pre illness weight, and generally bursting with energy like a not yet 2yr old dog should be. He didn’t have any problems with his first dose of Doxorubicin, and seemed to enjoy the week off between that and starting the second round of chemo. The end of that second round feels like it’s now in sight, and after that the pace slows, with a shift from weekly to every other week. So hopefully the extra recovery time means this is the last time I’ll be writing about a setback.

Past parts:

1. diagnosis and initial treatment

2. first setback

3. back on track

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