Posts Tagged ‘persona’

This isn’t a post about the nym wars. I understand why people are upset about the real names policy, but I’m pretty ambivalent about it myself. I certainly don’t have anything to add to the great stuff that’s been said already by IdentityWoman, ESR, Kevin Marks and Charlie Stross. My concern is more mundane – […]

This is my third post in a series looking at how federated identity has becoming a reality (I first looked at Twitter, and then Google). Before we get started I kind of liked Facebook in the early days that I used it, but frankly I never expected it to last. I thought that like the social […]

This is my second post in a series looking at how federated identity has becoming a reality (I first looked at Twitter). The user experience The basic premise of federated identity is first you sign into something that you use a lot, and then the platform reuses that sign in to get you into other […]

Federated identity seems to have sneaked up on us. A couple of years back federated identity was some huge enterprisey thing that was costly and took time to implement. Then a bunch of service providers started to be identity providers, but there were no relying parties making the whole effort somewhat useless. Now it seems […]

Tim Bray has a post up about numbers, and this began as a comment but grew a little too long. I once described telephone numbers as ‘the original digital identity‘. The trouble is that for way too long they were associated to land lines (and hence geographic locations) and then mobiles came along and tied […]



This is one of those posts that I’ve been meaning to write for ages, and just not got around to it. I’d like to pull together some of the concepts that I’ve touched upon before such as persona, and the fact that telephone numbers are a primitive form of digital identity. Much of what I […]

It seems that the term Persona is finally finding its way into common usage, and I’m encouraged by the recent posts by Nishant Kaushik and Mark Dixon.

I’ve spent a lot of time this year talking about persona, which makes it a little ridiculous that I find myself writing now about its possible demise. We’ve barely got started. The problem is ‘the end on online anonymity‘, where Sarah Perez argues that the Lori Drew case will cause us to lose the freedom […]

My experiment with directed social bookmarking seems to be working out well, though I still don’t have an appropriate feedback vehicle. Nudge, nudge to those that have offered to help. One of the interesting things that’s happened is that people who I direct stuff towards are starting to become significant in my tag cloud. This […]

Despite the lack of comments (yet) the post on persona has resulted in some good behind the scenes debate. Something that came out of this is that I agreed to post an illustration of how a legal entity fits into the persona illustration in order to effect the LLP concept: Sadly this still leaves us […]