Posts Tagged ‘google’

A week ago I ordered a Push N Go Thomas for my nephew from T J Hughes (Amazon only had the Percy version). The site showed that they had it in stock (unlike some of the other sellers that I’d found on Google Shopping), and I was even willing to bear the somewhat steep P&P […]

I live in the UK, and I feel like I’ve been waiting for Google Voice for way too long. I also travel frequently to the US, so I could get some use out of the service as it stands and it’s been frustrating that I couldn’t sign up. Disclaimers Google only offers it’s Voice service […]

Shortly before digging into the copy of Cognitive Surplus I bought on Google ebooks the other day I read this piece comparing the relative merits of Google, Amazon and Apple’s offerings. One of the areas of the store/reading experience it didn’t touch on was gifting. Since getting my Kindle I don’t really want any more […]

One of the big tech news items today is the launch of the much anticipated Google eBooks. Sadly the service is only available in the US at the moment, so I thought I’d have a poke around and see what the hurdles were. US Browsing Browsing from my regular connection at home I could only see […]

The old joke There used to be a joke that people who didn’t ‘get it’ would send an email and then call the recipient up to check if it had been received. Now the joke’s on us Now, I am that joke. I think we all are. Email has reached a point where it’s just […]

This is my second post in a series looking at how federated identity has becoming a reality (I first looked at Twitter). The user experience The basic premise of federated identity is first you sign into something that you use a lot, and then the platform reuses that sign in to get you into other […]

In the last few weeks I’ve had snags with both Skype and Google over billing. I could take this personally – thinking that  my bad teclo karma (which must run in the family) is now turning into bad SaaS karma? I suspect though that the problems are much more widespread. Skype I’ve had a Skype […]



I’ve been a keen user of Gmail since its earliest days, and I also use Google Apps at work, so I’m not surprised by the excitement around the launch of what people are calling ‘GDrive’, which is actually just a new feature of Google Docs that allows arbitrary files to be shared. What is a […]

A little while ago I put out a plea for stronger authentication for Google Apps, and it seems that my wish has been granted with Tricipher launching their myOneLogin for Google Apps[1]. I had tried myOneLogin before, and frankly wasn’t too impressed. This time things are different though, the issues I’d seen before with Chrome compatibility and […]